Hazrat Adam a.s height

 In the Noble Quran, the first mention of prophets is of the father of mankind, Prophet Adam (peace be upon him). His name appears in 25 different verses across nine surahs. Allah has revealed ten Scriptures (suhaif) about him.

Prophet Adam great attribute 

"Allah Almighty bestowed Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) with His great attribute of 'knowledge,' granting him knowledge of things. Since humans were meant to interact with these things in their future lives, this knowledge was a fundamental necessity for him. The clay of which Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) was fashioned had the ability to accept new changes."

Hight of Prophet Adam a.s

Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) was 60 cubits (approximately 90 feet) tall. He walked with a slight stoop due to the divine awe. He lived for 930 years and was buried in Jeddah. Another tradition states that he is buried in Masjid Khif where other seventy prophets are also buried. Two years after his demise, Hawwa (Eve) passed away, and her grave is also in Jeddah.

Hawwa (Eve) 

Prophet Adam Wife

"Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) lived alone in paradise for a period of time. Allah Almighty created a woman from his left rib. Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) named his wife Hawwa (Eve), who is the mother of all humans.”

"The descent of Prophet Adam and Hawwa (peace be upon them) to the Earth was not merely a punishment but rather the purpose of their creation was to establish earthly succession. Ibn Qutaybah wrote in his book Al-Ma'arif that Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) was descended onto the mountain of 'Wasim' in Serendip (Sri Lanka), which was connected to the southern part of India thousands of years ago.

Now this mountain is near the city of Ratnapura in Sri Lanka and is famous as 'Mount Adam'. Ibn Battuta mentioned Mount Serandib as one of the tallest mountains in the world. The footprint of Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) is on a hard black stone. There is no specific evidence regarding this in the Quran and Hadith. Hawwa (Eve) was descended separately.”


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